FabLab Wageningen is a workshop with high-tech machinery as 3D-printers and a laser cutter. Here you can make products that – until recently – were too complicated or too expensive to obtain for individuals or small groups, using digital design- and manufacturing techniques.

Trying it out yourself? That’s possible! You are very welcome on our Open Workshop every alternating Saturday afternoon 14:00 – 17:00.
See our agenda for the dates. Please use our side entrance then, not the main entrance of ‘Plus Ultra II’.
We are also present every Wednesday 14:00 -18:00 (during ‘Starthub’ network events) – then mainly for questions and advice.

To find our location easily, look here: How to find us.













Every alternating Saturday from 14:00 until 17:00 we have Open Workshop. Everyone who is interested can walk in, look around the FabLab, get an explanation from FabLab members and even use the machinery (under supervision of FabLab expert members).

No need to make a reservation!
Just walk in – use our side entrance, not the main entrance of ‘Plus Ultra II’.

Check the agenda for dates.

See here how you can find us: https://fablabwag.nl/en/how-to-find-us/

Events in February 2025

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

10:30-14:00: acrylaatcylinders

19:00-22:00: Intro-cursus (2 van 2)

28 January
29 January

19:00-21:30: Arduino Gebruikersgroep

Avond om ervaringen met Arduino uit te wisselen, vragen te stellen of gewoon samen wat te experimenteren. Iedereen is welkom!
31 January
1 February
2 February
3 February

14:30-16:30: organizer

5 February
6 February

13:15-15:30: dovetail adapter

14:00-17:00: Open Inloop met Wim en Marcel R.

9 February
10 February
11 February
12 February
13 February

14:00-16:30: adapter

19:30-21:30: Tekenavond.

Avond voor vragen over 3D of 2D tekenen. Graag van te voren aanmlden !
15 February
16 February

01:30-01:45: CANCELLED

How do I cancel events? I can only edit them?

09:30-12:00: Leertoren stabilisers

Testprints for stabiliser of "leertoren"

11:00-14:00: stenensteunen

19:30-21:30: CNC avond

19 February
20 February

10:00-11:00: Nerdy Gurdy


14:00-17:00: Open Inloop met Marcel v.D. en Bauke

23 February
24 February
25 February
26 February

20:00-22:00: Arduino gebruikersgroep.

Avond om ervaringen met Arduino uit te wisselen, vragen te stellen of gewoon samen wat te experimenteren. Iedereen is welkom! Wel graag even aanmelden via onecue@chello,nl
28 February
1 March
2 March


Want to become a member ? It’s easy !

Everyone who wants to become a FabLab member is required to take our short introduction course. In this course, which takes 2 evenings, you get a basic knowledge of machines and facilities. Membership costs EUR 50 / year (EUR 35 for students). Trained members can use the FabLab facilities independently, weekdays from 08:00 until 18:00, other times on special request. You need to reserve machine-time via our website. On Saturdays (during Open Workshop) and during special activities (events, courses) you can not reserve facilities.

You can E-mail info@fablabwag.nl to inquire the next course dates.


FabLab Wageningen can help educational institutions, from primary schools up to university level.

Our offer ranges from educational yet fun workshops for primary and secundary schools to courses in programming and lectures about the ‘maker revolution’. We are happy to design a course that is tailored just for your needs.


FabLab Wageningen can offer a lot to starting and existing companies.

We have extensive knowledge of digital design- and manufacturing principles, and we are happy to lend you a hand with prototyping. Our extensive network guarantees a good fit for your specific demands. We can give classes and courses – or entertaining workshops. Contact us, and we can see what we can do just for you !


(Almost) all projects in the FabLab are documented in a ‘FabMoment’, a short (or longer) description. This way we can share our experiences and knowledge.

See a selection of the most recent ones here.


Being an open workshop, where everyone is welcome to design and/or fabricate using digital equipment, we need some house rules to ensure a safe working environment.

You’ll find them here.


Volunteers wanted !





FabLab Wageningen is a non-profit foundation, run entirely by volunteers. If you want to contribute to spreading the ‘maker’ gospel – or just are interested in supporting us – you are very welcome to add a helping hand or head. We can use (about) everybody, motivation is more essential than experience. You can support running our website, give courses, run administrative duties… Co-hosting our weekly Open Saturdays might be a fun way of getting to know the community, too. Give us a mail at info@fablabwag.nl .


Open hours

(Check the Agenda for special events!)

Open workshop Saturday 14:00–17:00u

Members Daily 08:00-18:00u

(other times on special request)


Address Bronland 10

Postal code 6708 WH, Wageningen

E-mail info@fablabwag.nl .


This is our privacy-statement (ex AVG):



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