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  • In reactie op: [sticky] FabMoment maken instructies

    31 maart 2018 om 20:51 #6085
    Bauke Conijn

    Steeds als ik een link & plaatjes toevoeg aan mijn post, verdwijnt mijn post opeens. Is er een moderator queue ofzo?

    In reactie op: Software on computers in the FabLab

    6 december 2017 om 12:55 #5690
    Bauke Conijn


    In reactie op: Countersinking bolts & nuts

    17 september 2017 om 11:42 #5353
    Bauke Conijn


    In reactie op: Current ToDo list

    17 juli 2017 om 13:03 #5103
    Bauke Conijn
    • In the forum I can’t insert hyperlinks. If I want to insert a hyperlink, the pop-up to enter the URL does not appear. Currently I work around this by temporarily disabling javascript, such that the wysiwyg editor does not show up and I can enter html-code for the link directly. I’m using Firefox 54.0 (64-bit) on Ubuntu. Adding an ‘edit source’ button to the wysiwyg editor would work for me, but not for everyone.
    • When creating fabmoments I have to upload images and models elsewhere. This will eventually lead to broken links and missing images.
    • I would like the agenda to be fully visible when visited from inside the FabLab, so I can see whether machines have been reserved even if I don’t know my login password.