Courses and workshops

Arduino Course

This Fall, starting Octobert 3rd, FabLab Wageningen offers a repeat of our 8 week Arduino course on popular demand. The course will be on 8 Tuesday evenings and is presented by local Arduino expert Arthur Rep. Please see our ‘Arduino’ page for more details.

Design course Sketchup

A nice sequel to the Introduction course is our Sketchup design course. During two evenings you will learn to use this free program to make 3D and 2D designs for both the 3D printer and laser cutter.

We will begin at the very beginning, so prior CAD-drawing experience is not necessary, although it may come in handy. During the course we will alternate between short explanation sessions and design exercises. These exercises can be done at you own speed and level, so the fast learners or more experienced users will have enough design challenges to practice with. Some example of exercises are to design a Rietveld chair, a house and a drinking glass. Two experienced instructors are happy to answer any questions and help out where necessary. Since we have limited time available we will not be actually printing or lasering anything during the course, but off course you are free to come back anytime during open-hours on Saturday afternoons to machine your design.

The costs are 40 Euro for subscribers and 80 Euro for others. The minimum number of participants is four, and the maximum is ten.

Please refer to the agenda for the date and time of the next course.

Register for the course by sending a mail to and by transferring the course fee to NL60 TRIO 0254 7015 58 Stichting FabLab Wageningen, and mention your name and the Sketchup course.


Knowledge exchange

Knowledge exchange is a key theme within the Fablab. We do this by organizing courses. We provide training for schools and businesses, but also for anyone who’d want to work in our digital workshop. We offer the following courses; Doodle 3d, make Bristle Bots, Look it moves by itself, making Laser Beasts, a small introductory course and windmills from scrap. Ask about the possibilities or check the fact sheets.


One of the most important courses we have is the introduction course. Here you get to know the basics of all the machines in FabLabWag. After this course you can become a member, which allows you to work on your own during weekdays. Everybody can join this course, and if you are student or <18 years old you can get a discount. See below or in the agenda for the next cours dates.

During the course you’ll get basic theory and hands-on with the laser cutter, vinyl/sticker cutter and the 3D-printers. The goal is to have done all the steps in the design process: design, correct machine settings, and finally building your design. Our experienced teachers get you on track and are available for all your questions.

To make your own design you have to learn to work with drawing/CAD software. During the course we’ll use Sketchup (for 3D design) en Inkscape (for 2D vector design). These software tools are chosen because they are freely available, are easy to learn, and have plenty of tutorials available online. If you know other tools like Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD or Solidworks you can also use those.

Sign up for the introduction course via a mail to

Prijzen cursussen en workshops

  • Intro course + 1 year membership
    —> till 18 jaar/student
    Other courses/workshops
  • € 100
    € 50
    See announcements

Theme nights

During the theme nights we dive deeper into a particular topic or a specific technique. These theme nights are taught by volunteers Fablab Wageningen, or if necessary by specialists in the field.
Example of a theme evening topic 3D scanning. During this special evening, which was organized by Vivianne Veenemans who are professionally involved with 3D scanning, we were initiated into the world of 3D scanning. Other examples of subjects of theme nights organized by the FabLab Wageningen?; ABC of printing in 3D, Arduino,