29 juni 2017 om 15:51 #5013Piers TitusSleutelbeheerder
The laser cutter needs little maintenance, however there are some things that might need to be done to keep the machine running smoothly:
- Aligning the laser mirrors. Sometimes the mirrors not aligned properly, and the laser doesn’t end up at the center of the focusing lens.
- Cleaning the axes (geleiders schoonmaken)
- Making the axes orthogonal
- Replacing the laser tube. After 1000 – 2000 hours of use the laser tube has lost too much power and needs to be replaced.
This topic is used to keep track of all maintenance done. Put a reaction below when you do any form of maintenance on the laser cutter, or when you think maintenance is needed.
5 februari 2018 om 22:58 #5869Marcel van DijkModerator
Lately, the laser has shown 2 problems:
– the power needed to cut through materials was (far) more than expected
– cut- and engraving lines were ‘wiggly’; not straight at all
Wim (not accidentally a professional photographer 😉 has found the cause of the second issue: the focus lens in the last tube was loose. It should have been fixed in a screw fitting but was in fact lying totally loose and – consequently – vibrating too much. He fixed this by very carefully fastening the lens again, but thereby possibly causing a new issue; now the focussing seems unclear. The best we (Kees and yours truly) could get the focus was at exactly halfway the ‘old’ red focus blockh as provided by BRM and the ‘new’ in-focus -block as made by Piers (?). So the focus is : red block minus 0.9 mm. Or: new block plus 0.9 mm.Marcel van Dijk.
24 april 2018 om 14:55 #6132Marcel van DijkModerator
Due to a failure in one of the shock absorbers, there has been a period of un-even pressure on the hinges of the laser cutters lid. This has ultimately resulted in one of the hinges totally being destructed. The rather not appropriate material (cast iron) did not help neither. BRM (the manufacturer) has been informed and will send replacements in due course, but this may take some days. In the meantime, please be carefull and if you need the lid in the ‘open’ position, for examply when you adjust the lens, we suggest you use a cardboard tube to support the lid.
Marcel van Dijk.
15 mei 2018 om 17:20 #6181Marcel van DijkModerator
The lasercutter is fixed !
After a period of severe aggrevation (at least for yours truly, who was sent the wrong spare parts by BRM ;-( everything functions again, at least to my knowledge. I have replaced the shock absorbers and the hinges, René was so kind to clean the ventilation motor and filter box. Let’s hope we now have a relatively quiet period with the laser, so we can focus on the 3D -printers.
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